The Legend


1. Time management
    During this entire module I have always felt I have been 1 step behind, there are definate things I could have done to keep on track of everything, so if could do this all over again i wish i could of spent more time on the weekend trying to understand basic principles so more complicated programming as used in the robot might have been easier.
2. Design of Base plate
    My "Original" design for the base plate, would of worked alot better, more rounded front and better location for sensors. My Advice keep it simple and the robot will have a greater chance to navigate the course. By redesigning it I would of tried making the robot as compact as possible the smaller ones seemed to navigate the course better.

3. Gear ratio
    I assumed that the slower the robot went the greater chance it would have to detect the walls, I was right my robot did not touch a wall or even came close to touching but a snail could have beaten my robot :) I recommend to use gear ratio 114:1 or lower. but that comes back to time management if i organised myself better i would of realised this before race day.