The Legend


Robot Cost List
Cost Picaxe Starter pack                         $75.30
Ultrasonic modules 3 Off @ $39  =                  $117.00
Dual motor driver IC                                           $7.50
Switched Battery holder                                    $2.80
Tamiya Double Motor Gearbox                        $22.95
Tamiya Narrow tyre set                                      $10.00
Castor wheel                                                       $2.00
4mm Perpex sheet                                             Supplied by TAFE
100 Ohm resistors 9 Off @ $0.40 =                 $3.60
Wire                                                                     Supplied from work
Packet of 25 wire clips 2 Off $5.40 =               $10.80
Packet of 25 3mm Screws                                $4.60
Screwdriver set                                                   $1.99
Super glue
$2.00 Batteries                               $20.00    

Total                                                                     $280.54